Frequently Asked Questions About Vanilla Beans

Find answers to common questions related to our products and vanilla beans in general. Feel free to contact us if you have additional questions or need further assistance.

Our vanilla beans originate from the lush SAVA region of Madagascar, famously known as the ‘Red Island’ for its vibrant earth tones. This region is renowned for producing most of the world’s finest vanilla.

Madagascar Bourbon Vanilla, including our Grade A beans, is distinguished by its rich, creamy, and sweet flavor profile. The term ‘Bourbon’ doesn’t refer to the alcoholic beverage but is historically linked to the Bourbon Islands, now known as Réunion, where vanilla vines were introduced.

Our vanilla beans are hand-harvested when they reach full maturity. Skilled farmers carefully pick the pods to ensure optimal flavor development. This traditional method contributes to the superior quality of our vanilla.

Grade A beans are the highest quality, featuring plump, moist pods. Grade TK beans are versatile, offering a unique flavor. Grade B beans, sometimes called extract beans, are smaller with imperfections but are excellent for making vanilla extract.

To learn more about the different types of vanilla beans click here.

Store vanilla beans in an airtight container in a cool, dark place. Avoid refrigeration, as it can cause crystallization. When stored properly, vanilla beans can retain their flavor for an extended period.

Yes, vanilla beans can be reused. After using them in recipes or making extracts, rinse the beans, let them dry, and store them for future use. Reused beans may have a slightly subdued flavor.

Yes, we are committed to ethical and sustainable practices. We work directly with local farmers in Madagascar, ensuring fair practices, and contribute to the conservation of the environment.

When stored properly, vanilla beans have a long shelf life. They can remain flavorful for 6 months to a year or more. Proper storage includes keeping them in an airtight container in a cool, dark place.

Vanilla beans can be split, and the seeds scraped for use in various recipes. The whole pod can be added to liquids for infusing flavor. Additionally, vanilla beans are excellent for making homemade extracts, desserts, and even savory dishes.

To learn more about the uses of vanilla beans click here.

Explore Our Vanilla Collection

Our curated selection of Gourmet Vanilla Beans awaits your culinary creativity. Discover the essence of Madagascar, right at your fingertips. Shop now and elevate your creations with Red Island Vanilla.
